1. Safety First
Safety is our primary concern during any Radiography Inspection.
We always check to ensure that all non-essential personnel are out of the area before beginning any radiation exposure.
During the inspection we continually survey the area and maintain a safety zone with signs and barrier tape posted warning of the radiation danger.
2. X-Ray and Gamma Sources
We have the capability to perform both live-source gamma and x-ray radiography.
By taking a picture of the internal structure of a weld or concrete structure we can detect any problems before they become a danger.
3. Field or Laboratory Service
Our equipment can be used in our laboratory or on-site depending upon the job requirements. This ensures that the results become available as quickly as possible to the customer.
4. Fast Turn Around
Our trucks have darkrooms installed in their camper shells. This gives us the capability to process the film and give results to the customer prior to leaving the jobsite.
In the laboratory we have two automatic film processors for immediate, continuous and reproduceable results